A Road to Atheism


I found the attached on the internet. It was written a few years ago by Daniel Henson. Daniel was raised in a USA fundamentalist Baptist environment and became a youth pastor aged 21 working with children and teens. Struggling with his beliefs, and following much research, he came to the decision that the Bible, Christianity and indeed the very belief in God was just so much nonsense. He became an atheist. The freedom he found left him feeling healthier, happier and more honest with himself than ever before - his words.

Attached is his reasoning for rejecting the community he had been brought up in and the faith in to which he had been indoctrinated. It is a long and torturous read but is worth the effort. 


“Religion is something left over from the infancy of our intelligence; it will fade away as we adopt reason and science as our guidelines.” Bertrand Russell

Fundamental Baptist to Atheist.pdf
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