Christianity represents 31% of the world's population, of which Catholics are approx. 18% and Protestants 37%, other Christian religions making up the balance. |
Buddhism represents 5% of the world’s population |
Founded |
Founded by various reformers who denied the universal authority of the Catholic Pope, Papal Magisterial Authority, Papal Infallibility, and objected to Roman Catholic Orthodoxy, some portions of doctrine, and a number of specific practices. Martin Luther specifically objected to the selling of indulgencies for the full or partial remission of temporal punishment due for sins which have already been forgiven. The money raised from selling indulgencies was being used for the building of St. Peter's Basilica. Martin Luther was excommunicated, sentenced to death for heresy and had to go in to hiding for 3 years to save his life. The main reformers were: 12th century - Peter Waldo. 14th century - John Wycliffe. 15th century Jan Hus. 16th century* - Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Knox, Jacobus Arminius, Heinrich Bullinger, Balthasar Hubmaier, Menno Simons, John Smyth, Huldrych Zwingili, amongst many others. Today there are estimated to be some 33,000 denominations under the "Protestant Umbrella" however there are only a few denominations that have major or secondary theological differences, with the others only having minor subtle theological differences. Protestantism, in line with most other religions, suffers from divisions based mainly on arguments over interpretation and semantics. There is also argument over whether "Anglican" churches are in fact "Protestant" or "Reformed Catholic"
* The 16th century is considered to be the Reformation Proper.
Siddhartha Gautama (The Buddha / Enlightened One) 563-483 BC
God(s) |
One God who is a Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit The doctrine of the Trinity developed gradually over several centuries and through many controversies including threatened schisms. It was not until the 4th century that the distinctness of the three and their unity were brought together in a single orthodox doctrine of one essence and three persons (1+1+1=1). God, Jesus the incarnation of God, and the Holy Spirit as the bond between them. This generally placated the factions, although the controversies re-emerged during the enlightenment period and continue until today.
None (Buddhism is a nontheistic philosophy / religion) |
Prophet(s) |
Jesus of Nazareth |
The Buddha Himself
Leader(s) |
Deacons, Bishops, Vicars, Clergy amongst others. |
Monks, Nuns, Scholars, Laymen.
Afterlife |
Eternal heaven or hell (or temporary purgatory before heaven). |
None. (As with many other religions / philosophies, over the centuries Buddhism has split in to many different factions (schisms), and taken up many additional cultural beliefs and schools of thought, some of these factions believe in a cycle of rebirth, others treat The Buddha as a deity. The Buddha is quoted as saying he knew nothing of God/s, or an afterlife, and was only interested in relieving suffering from conscious beings)
Practices |
Prayer, Bible study, baptism, Eucharist (Communion), church on Sundays, numerous holidays. The belief in the Bible as the supreme source of authority for the church. The early churches of the Reformation believed in a critical, yet serious, reading of Scripture and holding the Bible as a source of authority higher than that of previous Church Tradition. The right and duty of the Christian laity not only to read the Bible in the vernacular, but also to take part in the government and all the public affairs of the Church. It is opposed to the hierarchical system which puts the essence and authority of the Church in an exclusive priesthood, and makes ordained priests the necessary mediators between God and the people.
The understanding of human suffering, its causes, and how suffering can be overcome to achieve happiness through living a non-violent, non-extreme life of moderation, meditation and knowledge
Texts |
The Bible (Old and New Testaments) |
Teaching was initially done orally, followed by various texts and scriptures.
Human situation/ Life's purpose |
All have sinned* and are thereby separated from God. Salvation comes by grace through faith alone in Jesus as the Christ, rather than through good works as in the Catholic faith.
*St. Augustine (354-430AD) imported an idea foreign to the Bible: the notion that the taint of sin is transmitted from generation to generation by the act of procreation following the fall of Adam. He took this idea from the 2nd-century theologian Tertullian, who actually coined the phrase original sin.
Buddhism is often said by its critics to be nihilistic (because there is no belief in God/s or afterlife, life itself is pointless - the same criticism is also made of atheism and humanism) As life's purpose is unknown, the focus is on improving life as we know and experience it.
Punishment for heresy |
Historically: Death.
Currently: Nothing. |
None (Buddhism is a non-violent belief that throughout history has lived in harmony with all other religions and philosophies.)
Attitude to Women |
Historically: Various, but generally unequal
Currently: Various, but generally Liberal.*
*Many churches now allow female clergy, and the first female bishop has been appointed.
Historically: Generally one of equality.
Currently: Equality.
Main objectives in theory |
To spread the teachings of the Bible and Jesus and encourage believers to live lives in accordance with those teachings.
Buddhism is a tolerant teaching that takes the individual as the centre of the teachings. Many Buddhist texts are concerned with individuals improving themselves.
Buddha said:
Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. Do not believe anything because it is spoken and rumoured by many. Do not believe in anything because it is written in your religious texts. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders.
But, after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and the benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.
The Essence of Buddha's Teaching.
Buddha set forth his teaching in the following doctrine
The Four Noble Truths:
1. All things and experiences are marked by suffering/ disharmony/ frustration. 2. The arising of suffering/ disharmony/ frustration comes from desire/ craving/ clinging. 3. To achieve the cessation or end of suffering/ disharmony/ frustration, let go of desire/ craving/ clinging. 4. The way to achieve that cessation of suffering/ disharmony/ frustration, is walking the Eightfold Path.
The eightfold path to the cessation of suffering:
1. Right Understanding of the following facts:
• the truth about suffering ... (The Four Nobel Truths); • everything is impermanent and changes; • there is no separate individual self - this is an illusion. (Life is impermanent, a stream of becoming, a series of manifestations and extinctions. The concept of the individual ego is a popular delusion; the objects with which people identify themselves—fortune, social position, family, body, and even mind—are not their true selves. There is nothing permanent, and, if only the permanent deserved to be called the self, then nothing is self.)
2. Right Determination to:
• give up what is wrong and evil; • undertake what is good; • abandon thoughts that have to do with bringing suffering to any conscious being; cultivate thoughts of loving kindness, that are based on caring about others' suffering, and sympathetic joy in others' happiness.
3. Right Speech:
• Abstain from telling lies. • Abstain from talk that brings harm or discredit to others (such as backbiting or slander) or talk that creates hatred or disharmony between individuals and groups. • Abstain from harsh, rude, impolite, malicious, or abusive language. • Abstain from idle, useless, and foolish babble and gossip. Abstain from recrimination and negative statements. • Abstain from harsh speech—practice kindly speech. • Abstain from frivolous speech—practice meaningful speech. • Abstain from slanderous speech—practice harmonious speech. • Speak the truth if it is useful and timely. Practice only necessary speech. Let your speech be filled with loving kindness. Speak that which alleviates suffering.
4. Right Action:
• Peaceful, honourable conduct; abstain from dishonest dealings; take concrete steps necessary to foster what is good. • Do things that are moral, honest, and alleviate suffering. Do not do things that will bring suffering to others or yourself.
5. Right Livelihood:
• Abstain from making your living from an occupation that brings harm and suffering to humans or animals, or diminishes their wellbeing. This includes: activities that directly harm conscious beings, and activities that indirectly harm sentient beings.
6. Right Effort:
• Foster good and prevent evil. • Work on yourself—be engaged in appropriate self-improvement. The essence of right effort is that everything must be done with a sense of proper balance that fits the situation. Effort should be balanced between trying too hard and not trying hard enough. Trying hard to progress too rapidly gets poor results, as does not trying hard enough.
7. Right Mindfulness or wakefulness:
• Foster right attention. • Avoid whatever clouds our mental awareness. • Systematically and intentionally develop awareness.
8. Right Concentration:
• Developed by practicing meditation and/or mental focusing. Proper meditation must be done continuously while awake, and should include work on awareness of body, emotions, thought, and mind objects.
Five basic precepts:
1. Abstain from killing living beings (from destroying/taking life)—or practice love.
2. Abstain from taking the not-given (from stealing)—or practice generosity, practice giving.
3. Abstain from sexual misconduct—or practice contentment.
4. Abstain from false speech (from lying)—or practice truthfulness.
5. Abstain from taking intoxicating drinks—or practice awareness and mental clarity.
Main objectives in practice |
As above.
As above.
Major benefits to the human condition |
The teachings of Jesus must be considered exemplary (irrespective of which church teaches them) and the effects of these teachings on society in general, and individuals in particular, has been generally beneficial. There have been many exemplary achievements by individual Protestants in many areas of life. The Protestant church for many centuries was the "Power Behind the Throne" in the leadership of many countries upon whose support many kings relied, and therefore kept a certain amount of reign on their behavior.
The bringing of comfort, order, education and a peaceful structured society to the individual.
Many outstanding works of art and architecture around the world.
Buddhists have always recognized the importance of community life, and over the centuries there has developed a distinctive symbiotic relationship between monks (and in some cases nuns) and the lay community. Moreover, both the monastics and the laity have engaged in a variety of common and complementary religious practices that have expressed Buddhist orientations and values, structured peaceful Buddhist societies, and addressed the practical concerns of individuals. Despite historically often being seen as a threat in some lands to their kings, emperors and rulers for more than two millennia - being completely banned in many communist countries, Buddhism has been a powerful religious, political, and social force, first in India, its original homeland, and then in many other lands. It remains a powerful religious, political, and cultural force in many parts of the world today. In the Western world, particularly in the United States and Canada, the growth of new Buddhist communities—which include both Buddhist immigrants from different parts of Asia and indigenous converts—has been very rapid indeed. There is every reason to expect that the appeal of Buddhism will continue far on into the future.
Major detriments to the human condition in deaths. |
Religious wars Mainly fought defensively against Catholic armies (See Catholicism for details). With the Reformation many kings who had previously been unwilling subjects of the Catholic church and the power of the Popes, took the opportunity to support the new churches to release themselves from papal power, thereby making themselves enemies of the Catholic church and therefore subject to attack by the armies of kings still supporting and beholden to the Popes. Later this developed in to loosely based religious wars between kingdoms where religion was an excuse rather than a reason for the war, with territorial gain and power being the real objectives.
Witchcraft the belief in witches* and that they were in league with the devil mainly ran from 1484 to 1750. During this time, many people (80% women) were accused, convicted and either burned or hanged as witches to punish heresy.
*Witchcraft was believed by many cultures and religions throughout history.
Colonialism Whilst the Spanish and Portuguese Catholic Conquistadores were pillaging South America and other areas. The British, Dutch, French and to a lesser extent German countries were exploiting other areas of the world (Africa, India, North America, China etc.) Although these countries benefited from the exploited wealth it was done in the main through companies set up for those purposes. Companies who had shareholders and their own company armies (such as the British East India Company and the Dutch East India Company) although their respective governments drew wealth from taxing their trading. These companies also fought de-facto wars on their governments behalf. On the back of colonialism, and to give colonialism some form of credence other than pure capitalistic greed, rode the Protestant Evangelical cause. Evangelists were at the forefront of the colonialist operations and spent their lives bringing their various churches / beliefs to the native populations with the object of converting them to their particular form of Christianity. Again, untold numbers of native peoples were killed by war, disease, slavery and rape. These deaths and despicable behaviors were not however directed by Protestantism, but by the companies / governments involved, and the wealth went not directly to the churches but to the same companies / governments. Although the link between colonialism and evangelicalism is clear, church involvement in the wars and pillage that resulted is less so.
Slavery The enforced slavery of Africans who were then sent in chains to work in the Caribbean and America was a stain on the countries (mainly Protestant) who were involved in it. Often 30 or 40% of the shipload of slaves would die and be thrown overboard before reaching their destination. The cruelty involved in this despicable trade in human beings is well recorded. Again the Protestant churches were not involved in this trade but were close bystanders who did little to object to, or stop it. Admittedly, the Parliamentarians who did eventually bring the trade in slavery to an end were no doubt devout Protestant Christians, however it was through parliamentary democracy, rather than church intervention, that they were able to do so.
Unaware of any Buddhist inspired aggressions or wars. However Buddhists have taken up arms and killed in defensive encounters. Buddhist monks and laymen fought bravely against invading Japanese armies under Toyotomi Hideyoshi in 1592 and again in 1597. Buddhists struggled against colonialism throughout Asia, although mostly peacefully, have fought communist incursions, and undergone imprisonment and death when persecuted by other religious / political regimes. Especially so in the South Vietnamese detention/death camps where between 1955-1960 under the fanatical Catholic President Ngo Dinh, president of South Vietnam, an estimated half a million were sent. An estimated 2 million Buddhists died at the hands of the Cambodian Marxist Khmer Rouge government of Pol Pot between 1975-1979 and many of the professional and technical classes were exterminated. In some parts of the world today Buddhists are fighting and killing defensively against Islamic fundamentalist inspired aggressions.
Other Major detriments to the human condition. |
Teachings Some of the teachings in minor Protestant churches have led to beliefs that are peculiar to say the least - such as teachings today that the world is only 6,000 years old and evolutionarily unchanged since the beginning, and a church based on a nine year old child prophet. These peculiar minor churches tend to be mainly in the USA and Africa.
Christian Fundamentalists (both Catholic and Protestant) have long battled in the courts, particularly in the USA to either stop the teaching of Darwinism in schools, or to ensure the equal teaching of Creationism under various other names such as intelligent design. The courts successively struck down such cases stating that State and Church must be separated and schools free to teach Darwinism and under no obligation to teach Creationism.
Through the different factions of Buddhism that have developed over the millennia, some have developed beliefs in afterlives, rebirths, hells etc., probably for cultural reasons, which are far away from the original teachings.
Some criticize Buddhism for promoting what they see as nihilism. Some Marxist groups have criticized Buddhism for causing Tibet to have an undeveloped, agrarian economy.
Notes |
· The 14th Dalai Lama states: "From one viewpoint, Buddhism is a religion, from another viewpoint Buddhism is a science of mind and not a religion. Buddhism can be a bridge between these two sides. Therefore, with this conviction I try to have closer ties with scientists, mainly in the fields of cosmology, psychology, neurobiology and physics. In these fields there are insights to share, and to a certain extent we can work together." · Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche states: "If you are interested in 'meeting the Buddha' and following his example, then you should realize that the path the Buddha taught is primarily a study of your own mind and a system for training your mind. This path is spiritual, not religious. Its goal is self-knowledge, not salvation; freedom, not heaven. And it is deeply personal." |