A nonviolent rebuttal to ISIS, the Taliban and Al Qaida.
Because ISIS, the Taliban and Al Qaida are current and ongoing world issues, involving violence, death and destruction, plus the indoctrination of children to believe that violence, murder and death are preferable to life and liberty, there is an imperative to confront and overcome these organizations, their beliefs and indoctrinations.
Western governments are using military force, propaganda, surveillance and many other ways to attempt to achieve this – with little success to date.
The real challenge is to get in to the minds of the members of these groups and undo the indoctrination that they have been subjected to. Logic will not work in this respect.
The belief that their violent actions are being approved by God and that if they die in His cause entry to paradise and His presence is guaranteed must be challenged. The basis of these beliefs are a corrupt interpretation of the Quran’s teachings and must be corrected.
Only the leaders and members of their own Islamic faith will be listened to, not anyone else.
These corrupt beliefs can only be challenged by use of Quranic teachings, and essentially voiced by senior Islamic clerics.
The use of Quranic teaching relating to Iblis is essential to this challenge.
Who is Iblis?
In Islam God created angels, jinn, humans, animals, plants and more. Angels (created from light), do not have free will, but jinn (created from smokeless fire) and humans (created from clay) do.
Iblis was Gods closest jinn (although some say an angel) but when God created Adam and instructed the jinn to bow down to him Iblis refused. For his disobedience, pride and arrogance, Iblis was removed from God’s presence.
Iblis then promised God that by whispering in to the hearts of humans and other jinn he would prove to God that they can be made disobedient to Gods purpose by the use of deception.
Iblis is to some extent the equivalent to the Christian’s believe in Satan, and subverted jinn are his minions.
There is in Islamic extremism a belief that all non-Muslims are under the influence of Iblis and his minions, as are some Muslims, and that only those who believe in their violent jihad are true Muslims, doing God’s work against Iblis and his minions.
It is important for the leading Islamic scholars to challenge this belief by stating that Islamic extremism and its Jihadi followers are in fact the ones whom Iblis and his minions have deceived. That rather than doing God’s work they are in fact doing Iblis’s work against God, and against God’s teachings in the Quran. As a result, unless they repent and come back to the true teaching of Islam, they will never see paradise and never be in God's presence, but instead will suffer God's eternal punishment.
The above is of course a simplistic summary and as with all religions has very many complexities and different interpretations.
It is nevertheless essential that Islamic scholars urgently start preaching and teaching the true moderate interpretation of the Quran against the deceit of Iblis that has brought about his godless indoctrination of ISIS, the Taliban and Al Qaeda.
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